OPINION: Okehi Local Govt Chairmanship Tussle Part 2 | Mark Ogo'ogu



“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, bravery, empathy and creativity. It is the source of hope,empathy, accountability and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful lives and progress as a people and local government, vulnerability is the path.”

Ladies and gentlemen, elders and the youths in Okehi local government. I owe you nothing but undiluted truth, in it is love and passion for a better society in my lifetime. I rather sleep and never woke up instead of coming public to fool you. "The greatest haram to God and humanity which may end up consuming the entire society is not Boko Haram but Silent Haram. The silence of the mighty educated and intellectual citizens in the society, especially those who go silent for personal interest, safety or for fear of loosen their lives" ...The truth I tell you today,  I have no life to save, the one I'm living currently is not mine but someone owns who loves me and gave himself for me...Jesus Christ. In Him I live, In him, I walk, In him, I speak and in Him, I have my being... So I am Fearless

Great men and women of this chrestomathic constituency, the great local government in which I am well pleased. I beseech you to lend me your ears again as I break out of sinful silence (Silent Haram). Remember, "Irresponsible leaders give birth to an irresponsible society, and irresponsible society give birth insecurity, immorality and criminality in the land...

Today, in our dear local government Okehi all manners of crime and immorality can be found everywhere. Our youth have built-in them the habit of been irresponsible to their parent and families. Men do not longer care for their wives and children. What they are interested in is position without purpose, public office without vision, leadership without character and some have drugged themselves to stupor yet seeking public office in the society we have brains and gifted personality... Relax readers, for the eras of speaking proverbs, is over, we are in seasons of plain talk so don't rush me, just follow me lines upon lines, precepts upon precepts, a little here a little there until we arrive at our destination...

You cannot separate people's private life from public life. What you do in private has the power to influence your action in public. Another opportunity is about to be given to us,we the people of Okehi Local Government to choose a leader who will shepherd us for another 4years as executive chairman for Okehi Local Government. If we allow our greed and covetousness to lead us in the choice we are about to make then be ready for the consequences of our choice or decisions, know this for yourself, what you have seen or gotten from this present accidental and scandalous leadership is nothing compare to what is ahead of you. No wonder Mahatma Gandhi said and I quote...“It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts...We will escape not if by any common or omission he Abdulraheem Ohiare is given the opportunity to lead the rest of us as the executive chairman of Okehi Local Government...His past record speaks and as a sensible and intellectual society we deserve better leader than this...No more parables...Just follow me...
Abdulraheem Ohiare

I want our dear brothers and sister from both axis Ihima And Eika to know and take to heart,that is not a battle between Ihima and Eika but the battle between RESPONSIBLE LEADERS VERSUS IRRESPONSIBLE LEADERS

A Battle between good representative and bad representative,
A Battle between your better tomorrow and bad future. We cannot arrive at the future we do not prepare for...A better Okehi Local Government start from our decision, it start from who we entrust responsibility to manage our resources.

Ladies and gentlemen,it is crystal clear that society is in humanity and humanity is in society and, you cannot function properly or fulfill your God-given assignment outside the society. Society is nothing without humanity and for this reason, it is bestowed on us as a people to create an enabling environment by carefully and diligently entrusting the society in the hand of credible and gifted leaders,fill with wisdom to relate with men/women as his or she discharges his duty constitutionally.

Leaders whose passion, vision and ambition are driven by humanity is just like a fish. As fish is in water and water is in fish so are we to our dear local government. This is the reason Okehi LG and Kogi state is my heartbeat and a place of assignment, I wait for nobody's approval or endorse to contribute my own little quota to birth a society that works.

If you see irresponsible children, do not ask for what is wrong, seek to know the family he comes from, and under which authority was he raised and the environment she lived. An irresponsible father gives birth to irresponsible children, and irresponsible children make life unbearable to their parent and the society at large. They are pompous, arrogant, corrupt and immorality is not far from them. Making such children leaders in society will tell you what society will eventually be...No more Proverb but plain talk.

I speak expressively because the irresponsible leadership in Okehi local government in the past years has affected the brain and the soul of our society. Our elders do not fight for good governance anymore,no common agenda,no vision and no purpose. All they do is how they can benefit from the decaying system even if it cost their lives or that of their children... Wisdom Has Departed...but surely it will return when the need is done...Mark my word

Our forefathers lay down their lives to earned us the name on our forehead today. They work day and night with the little resource at their disposal to give us Ihima community secondary school, Okehi community secondary school, Technical school Oboroke, Government day secondary School Ohueta, to mention few. But our present leaders refuse to consolidate or build on the legacy of our fathers, they have chosen to abuse the unity and peace that bind us together. Even to maintain their legacy is difficult for us because greed and corruption are more honor than a personality who is willing to give his/herself all for the betterment of his people and the society at large. Instead of forward we are backward, instead of digital in our governance we cling to analog...Yet the people want it so...Our mind has been tampered with.

The higher the rate of irresponsible leaders in society the higher the irresponsible citizen in the society because corruption and immorality are virus and it spread faster than ebola...See what we have become as a people and local government! Judge yourself,where is the progress and development we craved for?

Truth be told, Okehi local government is irresponsible in the current political structure in Kogi state not because the state government does not value you but because your leaders are a bunch of irresponsible and empty head. Who rather choose to block each other from accessing good things to their people and the society, they backbite each other, plot against each other and fight themselves for irrelevant and fruitless issues but to bring home good dividends of democracy is difficult...shame.🙈

I am interested in who cling to the executive chairman Okehi local government,because through her the dividend of democracy can get to the people, because the local government  is the ladder that links the people to the state government...becareful who you entrust with power.

It is time to wise up in our selection, it is time to check the lifestyle and activities of those vying for the chairmanship  position and sentiment must be knocked down to avoid repeating history.

I am also aware the current power abuse administrator is interested after 4years as an administrator, doing nothing than to loot the local government treasury and acquiring property everywhere. I shook my head and said, who born this strange boy? Wherein the society should such a scandalous personality get his power from? Does power really rest on the people? Do we really know what we want as a people? Who is pushing him? Who are his supporters? But as we progress I shall unveil you nothing but the truth on how the local government resource is been squander by squanderous leaders who parade themselves as an agent of progress.

Ladies and gentlemen, the foundation of good governance began from the selection process, and if we must get it right as a local government Ohiare Abdulraheem is not your option because you and I have witnessed his cruelty and poor leadership skills in the last 4 years as an administrator... As an administrator you are richer than the local government, what happens when you become an elected executive chairman?...Your answer is best as mine.

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted with power or position by anybody in the society"... Choose Right The people of Okehi Local Government.

It is time we accept responsibility for our society. It will be stupidity to expect a stranger to come and fix our land, God will use us to fix our land and His name will be glorified... Amen

I pray, when the trumpet will sound and the wind of change blows, you and I will be ready and prepare to hold our space for the progress of our society...

God Bless The Elders.
God Bless Eika District
God Bless Ihima Distic
God Bless Okehi Local Government.

Together Okehi Shall  Work Again In Our Life Time


  1. WHAT exactly are the things he has done wrong? As a son of the soil myself, i would love to be well informed so as to make a sound choice of our political leaders. Mere castigation and innuendo will not help us.: ABDULMALIK.


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