House-help Or Co-wife? | Story By Fatima Omoh Abdullahi

House-help or Co-wife is a story that resonates the contemporary issues in the society.
The story revolves around Zubaidah, Raliya and Hadeezah, three friends who share ideas and solve personal problems together. Raliya and Zubaida would get tired of house chores which eventually led them to hire house-help despite Hadeezah's efforts to make them see reasons why they shouldn't trust their household in the hands of maids.
This singular action would later lead them to have co-wives which they despise so much. It was too late to correct their mistakes and Hadeezah never failed to remind them how they were desirous of having maids. Read with enthusiasm.

      Episode 1

"Am tired of all these house choires joorh. Morning, I will wash plate, cook, bath the children and prepare to go to office, then still come back by 4:00pm to continue with  the same routine. Raliya complained.
Gaskiya, I am tired too, Zubaidah joined her."  You women complain too much, I am a teacher and I still cope with my family affairs. I put food on my husband's table every morning by 6:00am while he is already set for work. My children will leave home to school by 7:00 am everyday while I will leave for work by 7:30am after everyone has left. I never complain because I know I am getting reward for it. So, why should I cimplain?" Hadeezah said.
spare me that dear friend, all these are not our work, we are queens of Islam ment to sit and do nothing but to give birth and watch the children grow. Allah has already promised of His glad tidings, that is why I said we are gaining reward by helping doing the chores, Zubaidah cut in. "Serious, we women are trying but that shouldn't make us to be lazy", Zubaidah added.

"wait ooooo,do you both want him to come back fron work and do the cooking, and take care of children? Is that what you mean?" Hadeezah queried.

You know what Zubaidah, you are a very lazy woman, a common home tailor complaining of home chores and she complain more than the rest who goes out to work everyday except weekend?
if you are complaining like this, what do you want me to do who is a secetary? and you know what it means to be a secretary. Raliya said angrily."

hmmmm Raliya, I have this in mind since. Do you think is good for you to be a secetary working under a man while you do not observe proper Islamic clothing?you are a muslim woman not otherwise, I think your husband has no sense gheerah(Jealousy) for you because if he does, he will not allow you to work as a secretary for a man remember al-Dayyuth la yad kulil Jannah(a cuckold will not enter paradise).
Honestly, it is not proper because it makes you not to adheres to the strict rulings of Shariah.
"Hadeezah adviced".

Raliya, you called me a lazy woman did you think tailoring and office is the same? you seat in the office under air conditioning while I seat on a rubber chair sweating on my sewing machine and you said am lazy? Zubaidah said.

"I will get a HOUSEHELP"Raliya concluded"what! HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE"Hadeezah teased.

                Episode 2

Raliya, Zubaidah and Hadeezah are three good neighbours who are  friends. The three  women are not full house wives. They all pursue a career. Raliya is a secretary, Hadeezah is a teacher while Zubaidah is a home tailor. After their previous discursion, Raliya went and brought a matron, a young divorcee of 25 as HOUSEHELP with monthly pay of fifteen thousand naira. "I have interviewed her and I think she is fit for the job, Raliya said.

Honestly, I will only advice you to tell your husband to bring her in as mathna (secondbwife ). For me, if I know that I can not cope with my home chores, I will talk to him to bring in an helping mate (CO-WIFE) than bringing in a HOUSEHELP. "My sister it is risky, if she eventually became your CO-WIFE through house-help she will run the system of the house to her likings while you go out everyday not knowing what will be happening, "lHadeezah adviced.

Hmmm, what did your husband say about you intention?,
Zubaidah asked.
He did not say anything, he only asked if I like what I am planning to do and I said yes, Raliya answered.

Serious! that means,I will get mine too. I have always thought of that but I swallowed it with pride. In sha Allah, I will bring mine too, Zubaidah concluded.
Zubaidah, you surprised me sometimes, always at home but making an unwelcome intention. no matter the amount of clothe you have on ground, you can still cope with your only two children and you are complaining?

I am not happy and not in support of what you  both are planning to do, Hadeezah said angrily.
You think she is a divorcee right?remember she is single and can get him since she was in the system before. It really makes sense to  accept her as CO-WIFE than to accepts her as HOUSEHELP, Hadeezah advised.

I and CO-WIFE? in this house? God forbid! If she intentionally or unintentionally do what will draw his intentions, I will fire her immediately, after all I brought her in, Raliya said.

Women be wise, I advice you shine your eyes because if she walks in through HOUSEHELP, sorry dear! She will surely win his heart because one of the gates way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I wish I were you Raliya, I will rather stop this secetary of a thing and manage my home with my family. I will do that to build my home since my husband is capable to take care of me and the children but that will not make me to seat without doing anything. I will create a career for myself like being a blogger, writer, home tuitor and business like selling women wears, hijabs, niqab, socks, gloves, bedsheet, curtains etc at home and you will make it if you are known for that, Hadeezah voiced out.

I know who I will bring as a HOUSEHELP. I will bring her in tomorrow in sha Allah"Zubaidah said and Hadeezah gave her an annoying look.

                Episode 3

"Subhannallah! Halima, what are you puting on?, Raliya said shockingly  to her HOUSEHELP when she came back home  from office and she met her dressed on a slimy pink gown.
Welcome Ma, how is work?, Halima greeted.
Don't dare greet me! Why are dressing like a prostitute in a married woman's house. Do you think you are in your husbands house?, Raliya got mad at her."

Sorry Madam, I am through with my work and was about to go to my room and lie down that is why I wore this dress, "Halima said.

Don't you know that my husband is on his way home by this time.
What if he met you dress like this? Are you out of your mind? Raliya querried. I am sorry Madam, this wouldn't happen again was all Halima couldn't said .
No, no, no, no! there is no second chance. I will not take that nonsense from anyone not even you Halima, you are my maid and not CO-WIFE.

Do you know what? I hate CO-WIFE, I hate  to share my husband with another woman. Halima, go and pack your things and leave. When my husband comes back, don't even respond to what I will say to him. I will pay you more than your pay even though you have not completed half of the month, Raliya concluded with rage."

OK ma, but it is too late to ask me to pack out, Halima begged. Aren't you a Muslim? why would you dressed like that in another woman's house. When I met you, I instructed you to always adhere to the Islamic clothing but you did not, Raliya said angrily.

Ok Ma, I will, Halima responded as she walked to her room to pack her things and waited for Oga's arrival. She put on her hijab, standing behind the doorway.

Assalamu'alaikum, Haliru, Raliya's husband said as he walked in. wa'alaikumussalam, Halima and Raliya responded. What is going on here dear? Haliru asked his wife when he met Halima with her luggage on the doorway.

Raliya cut in and said Halima can no longer continue with the work anymore, she said she has something on ground to handle,  Raliya lied.
So you want to go Halima?" Haliru asked. Yes, I want to go sir, she responded. Good! do you give her anything like  provisions? he asked his wife, yes, I gave her money but no provisions.
she answered. Get her provisions from the store, Haliru ordered.
Lets go together and get it,  Raliya said beckoning her to go.

They went together to the store, of course, her uncontrollable jealousy makes her to behave in that manner. Though, Halima is innocent and she has no bad intentions, let's see what Allah has in store for Raliya who think she loves her husband very much and she is protecting her relationship while she don't want to share him another woman.

                   Episode 4

"Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin. HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE indeed thank God I quickly noticed her, if not eeeeh! no be small thing for happen to my life ooo. I hate CO-WIFE like die, Raliya said happily and she got rid of Halima. Now you are happy abi?, Hadeezah asked angrily. Why not?"she answered." I advised you to tell your husband to bring her in as your CO-WIFE  since you can't cope instead of you taking her in as your HOUSEHELP. Don't you know you made me angry for what you did? Habaa! Raliya, it was too late to asked her to leave by 7:00pm. You asked a woman to leave and your husband did not say anything? do you hold him with charm or what?, Hadeezah queried.
Why shouldn't I ask her to go and why shouldn't my husband agree?After all, he loves me dearly ok so because of that I don't want to share him with other woman. Wait ooooo, you are advising me to accepts her as my CO-WIFE, what about you? Are you not alone in your husbands house?,
Raliya questioned.
I am alone in my husbands house but I never complained of domestic chores or, have you ever seen or heard me complaining?
If I knew that I can't cope, I will rather welcome second wife who will be my helping mate than bringing in a HOUSEHELP, never will I, instead I will bring in a girl whom I know is welcome. But I will not because when Fatima(ra) complained to her father (SAW) about the pain caused to her hand by the milk. she asked him to get her a servant who will be of assistance for her but the prophet (SAW) declined even when he has in position of many slaves.

The prophet of Allah asked Fatima (ra) to go back home and continue it for a greater reward awaits her. He (SAW) thought Fatima (ra) what is better than slave which is zhirk. In this case, Faima (ra) is my role model.

After all,  Aisha (ra) jealousy never stop Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from marrying other women. These are great people that we need to follow as role models. I don't want to have ulcer or heart bleeding. so, I better prepare my mind, do you both think that I don't I am Jealous? Wallahi, mine is more than yours and Zubaidah.
I just have  to surrender because Allah has already mentioned it and we got no power over it.
Waiting dey life sef? Allah already knew men to be polygamous in nature for He created them that is why he said in surah Nissah (Q:4-V:3). We can see that He started from mathna(2), wa sulasa (3), wa ruba'a (4). He only mentioned they should go for one when He said to men if they fear that they cannot do justice. My friend, if you like pull off your head and give it to him. hey! if Allah destined that he will, he will marry not only you. My dear, stop poisoning your mind, just do your path and pray for a home of Sakeenah, Hadeezah said smiling to her.           

any difference my friend. HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE"
Hadeezah teased.
This time, Zubaidah was not with them all through their discursion.
Raliya still came with the 40 years  plus woman.

                 Episode 5

Zubaidah came with her own househelp too. A young girl of 18. At least her parents live close to Please place, when she is through with the chores she will leave for her place, Zubaidah soliquized after she brought her in.
Now my daughter, I know I don't have your mate yet as a child but i can still call you my daughter, I just want to tell you this, please be very careful whenever my husband is at home and you are working. Don't forget to always put on your hijab,  Zubaidah adviced.
Ok ma, I will abide by whatever you ask me to do because I only came for a purpose which is to work and be paid, Aisha said.

Lastly, avoid using makeup and you just look neat always. Since your house is not far from here, you can do your makeup when you get home. We have many young guys who will like at you because you are still a young girl,  Zubaidah.

"na'am ma, I will abide by all what you have said. Thank you for accepting me, Aisha said.

You are always welcome  and start work immediately, she responded and left her for the room where she sew clothes. Zubaida has a special room in her house where she sew clothe.

What is this woman saying? why is she telling me all these? did she think I am a small girl. hahahaha, Alhamdulillah I have gotten a home. Look at this big house oooh! I can't miss it, this woman is very lazy gan! I wish I am the one sewing at home. I will never dream of bringing in an househelp, lazy woman! Let's see if I will be the househelp you brought in or your co-wife, Aisha soliloquize.

Assalamu alaikum, Aisha you have not started working yet, Zubaidah came in and asked.
I dont know where to start from ma, should I start from the kitchen or bedroom, she asked.

Bed room? did you think I am too foolish to allow you walk to my secret room? what do you take me for? a fool? Zubaidah querried.
sorry ma, let me start with the kitchen, she said and ran straight  to the kitchen while Zubaidah opened her mouth agape.

                    Episode 6

Aisha, please come here and take this list to the market, Zubaidah called. Ok ma, Aisha responded and ran to collect the list. she bought everything written on the list.
oooh! women, wait ooooo! what is Zubaidah up to sef? me get married and bring in  househelp. I dey craze abi na my head laziness starts, an ordinary home tailor getting househelp? Aisha said as she walked home.

How can I get this man number sef? since i start working here, he has not been coming home on time. Insha Allah, this week will not pass me to get his number, she said.

few minutes later Aisha reached home and met Zubaidah in the sitting room watching as she mops the floor. Aisha please when you are done, I want to see you, she said.
OK ma, Aisha responded.
When she was through, she went to her madam.
I just want to tell you that i really like your effort and i can see that you abide by what i asked you to do,  please, keep it up, Zubaidah appreciated.
Thank you ma, she answered.

You are always welcome, do you have a phone? Zubaidah asked.
What should I tell her oooo? my she thought in her mind.
OK, why I asked  you is because I have someone for you, I've never seen any man around you don't that is why I thought it will be wise to have someone who's serious. He has been watching you and he asked me to give you his number that is why I asked for your phone because I haven't seen one with you, Zubaidah concluded.

Someone? who is he Ma, Aisha asked. Nice question, you know Aisha, I want the best for you because of your dedication to duty, he is a young man, educated and knowledgeable with both Islamic and western Knowledge. I think you will like him when you see him. He is not married before and not up to 30 years, Zubaidah explained.

What is she up to, how did she think at 20 i dont have a phone, yes, she is right by saying I don't have a man. I do have but not a serious one, all these talk na wash madam! spare that talk abeg na your husband I like because he is also young and knowledgeable too. Whenever i gazed at his picture which is placed on the wall of the sitting room, that charming smile always ring bell in my  brain, Aisha said smiling in her mind. Then she summoned courage to reply her Madam. Did he want marriage or dating because I am ripe for marriage, she asked.
Marriage my dear, he wants to marry you, she responded.
OK, I will love to see him, Aisha said.

                 Episode 7

"HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE, Hadeezah teased.  What does that suppose tomean?, Raliya asked. 
You know women are funny sometimes. You  supposed to know that you have brought in a co-wife, you both are rejecting all these while Raliya cut in and asked, which co-wife?
My little Aisha is very good, she abide by all I asked her to do. In fact, she is my little angel, 
Zubaida said.

Are you serious?, Raliya asked. Yes I am, you know what? I suspect she don't have any man around her, so I have to hook someone with her so that she will not look at my husband's direction, Zubaidah felt satisfied. 

That is a wise step, but Aisha may be wiser than you, Hadeezah said.  She is just 18, Zubaidah responded surprisingly. 

Hahahaha, so what? In this generation even 13 is not a small girl, my dear, at 18 she is mature and influence your husband to do what he doesn't want to do. Don't deceive yourself, Hadeezah said with all manner of serious written all over her face. 
Whatever, I don't care because I have gotten someone for her already, Zubaidah said. 

What of your own house woman?hahahaha, Zubaidah teased.
I dont have problem with her too because she is an old woman. I even allow her to tidy my bedroom, Raliya said. 
Bed what? I think I didn't get you well, Hadeezah said. 

She is old my dear, forget what you are thinking, Raliya said. 

Subhannaallah! i can't believe this, is Raliya really well? your secret is in your bedroom my friend, don't forget she has daughters at home ready for marriage, Hadeezah said. Yes, I know that her last daughter will be getting married next month and that is why she is even working to get money for her marriage rites, Raliya said convincingly. 

Women be wise for these are your duties, I have said all I have for you but you people don't want to reason along with me, understand Hadeezah said angrily.

My foolishness will never make me to allow any woman to take care of my bedroom if really am foolish, Hadeezah said.

Zubaidah felt guilty and became scared, what will be my fate?Aisha's thought ran through her mind.

                Episode 8

the next day after their discussion. Zubaidah came with the man he hooked Aisha with. 

"Honestly, I need a wife Aisha but am not going to do the marriage now because am still building my house but I want us to understand ourself better before we finally get married, Al-Amin said. 

He actually came for dating and he is telling me he came for marriage after all he don't know me before, now I know Madam Zubaidah's plan, Aisha thought deeply. 

What are you thinking Aisha?, Al-Amin asked. Nothing Serious, just thinking about marriage too. I also want to get married. Alhamdulillah you are here now,  Aisha said with pretence. 

Hope you understand what I mean? Al-Amin asked. Na'am, I really understand you but I don't have a phone, how are we going to be communicating? she asked with pretence for she already has a phone. 

Aisha, I will buy you new phone in sha Allah, Al-Amin said.  
While she felt she has won in the game, she thanked Al-Amin and give him a convincing smile to show her love. 

Al-Amin wasted no time as she bought the latest tecno product for her the following day. She uses the one Al-Amin bought for her when she is at Zubaidah's house and uses her former one  at home. 
Alhamdulillah! I have achieved what I wanted, Zubaidah said in her hearts. Now, she will never think of my husband because I have given her someone that will keep her heart busy, Zubaida said to herself convincingly.
"Assalamu alaikum, good morning my love. I am really happy to have you. I will love to be your wife in sha Allah and I will not be like Raliya who do not know her duty as a wife for my ears has been longing for your name just the way my eyes has been yearning for your sight. You are indeed a brilliant star that outshined all the stars in the gallaxy.

Haliru woke up on Saturday morning and he read text message Aisha sent to him after when he went to his phone after his Subh Salat. With shocked, he refused to go out from the bedroom while his wife already at the sitting room busy  watching Zee world as usual.

                    Episode 9

what is bothering you dear? Since morning you looked  dull, why are you like this? Raliya asked her husband. Nothing dear, just not feeling well, I am sick and I think a need to rest, Haliru explained.
You are sick? and you dont want me to be by your side? I dont understand what  is happening, you were not like this, did anyone hurt you? Raliya asked with a face wearing a mask of worry.
Must I be happy all the time?please Raliya just go, later you can come in, I want to rest, Haliru said and covered himself with  blanket while Raliya walked to the sitting room.

What is actually wrong with my Haliru? Who has made him this way? or am I not doing my duty as a wife? She asked herself.

This message is driving me crazy. Who is she? let me call to know, he said and dialed the unkown number that sent him message. It rang and rang but no answer. After tree consecutive calls, he droped his phone thinkiing deeply.
10 minutes later, the strange number appered to his phone as a flashed, Haliru wasted not time and returned the call. Assalamu'alaikum, please who am I speaking with? He asked.
You are speaking with Sameerah, the lady answered.
Please, who are you? which Sameerah? Can you describe yourself for me? Haliru questioned.
 I am Sameerah, I live close to where you work, I always see you pass my house everyday because i could not let go of you, I got your number from someone, Sameerah explained in a lovely tone.
You mean you actually went to ask about me? Did you know what you are doing? Don't you know I am a married man and you are not supposed to approach me as a lady to preserve your honour?Haliru queried.

                Episode 10

My honour you said, you are married to only one woman, that means you still have three more chances. You said I am not supposed to do what I did because I am a lady and need to preserve my honour but dont forget that the honourable khadijah did that to the best of creation, Muhammad (SAW). So, I did what honourable khadijah did to humble Muhammad (SAW).
You are really qualified and capable of marrying up to four, you are rich you know, you got a wife who do not know her duty as a wife even if she is a secretary, won't she do her duty as a wife?why would she bring in an house- help? Although, I am a nurse but I know how I will plan my routine when I get married to you,
Sameerah said convincingly.

Who on earth told you about my family Sameerah? please whomever told you that to hell with him, I love my wife, dont come in to separate us, Haliru said angrily. Please, how many kids do you have? she asked .
why didn't you ask the person who told you about my family? Did he forget to tell you? Nevertheless, I have  two kids, a boy and a girl, he said in a tone that shows his interest.

Only two kids? subhannallah! and she can't take care of them? instead she allowed other women to do that for her? What a pity! you have really missed a wife material. Sorry to say but that woman is not doing her duty. I will not call you again since you dont want me,  I thank Allah that I have spoken my mind byeeeee!
she press the end button and hung the call.

Serious, what this Sameerah said is true, a woman will dress our bedroom, that means she will know our secrets, I never welcome her idea of bringing in househelp but she insisted, He said as she gave the conversation long thought.

                  Episode 11

On a sunny afternoon, Aisha sat at the pavilion in a Shoprite with Al-Amin.
Honestly, I don't know why some women are stupid, not all ooooo but some, Al-Amin said.
What did you mean Al-Amin? Don't forget that I am a woman, she said.
I know I am sitting with a woman here that is why I said some women, you should have asked why I Said so, he said.
Ok sorry, why did you say so? she asked.
Most women don't know their duty as a wife, they brought househelp into their houses who is also a female forgeting their husband is a man, Al-Amin explained.
Hope you are not referring to my madam? Aisha asked.
Seriously, she is among, not working and a common home tailor complaining about domestic chores then what will others who are working say? Al-Amin querried.

You mean you are talking ill of my madam who hook you up with me? she asked rhetorically not wanting to say anything bad about her for the time being.

Honestly, I am not happy with madam Zubaida, she doesn't know her duty as a wife. Her husband do make complaint about her when we are at work, she doesn't have much work to do at home and she still went and brought househelp. She doesn't know how to look good to attract her husband, a tailor who supposed to beautify herself with a beautiful style she sew by herself? I can't believe this! I Just looked at her when she told me to  be with you for sometimes and planned what will separate us for some months, then she will now get another person for you and continue like that. I asked her if you were her daughter will she be  happy if someone did that to her daughter? Al-Amin said and Aisha gave a sigh of relief.

How did you  know her husband?"
she asked curiously. Alhamdulillah I have gotten someone who will feed me the information I need.

                 Episode 12

We work in the same office, In fact, he is my boss. He always complain of his wife, he even said he is tired of her. She don't know what she is doing to her husband is hurting him badly, Al-Amin said.

So, will you do what my madam ask you to do to me?, Aisha asked.
Seriously, I am already in love with you and that is the reason why I told you her plan, sincerely I want to marry you. Though I came with the a bad plan but Allah purified my intention and makes me to fall in love with you, Al-Amin said.

OK, thank you for informing me about my  madam's intention, I will never allow her to know you told me anything, she said.

Better Aisha, because I love you and wouldnot want to hurt you,  please don't inform her about that so that you will not hurt me either, Al-Amin said.
"I cant marry al-amin", Aisha said to herself when she is about to sleep. Al-Amin is a talkative, he doesn't keep secrets at all If I get married to him, he will as well reveal our secrets to anybody willing to listen and our issue will be a daily topic on social media.

How can a man talks as if he is a woman? Will he be able to  handle his family at all? in sha Allah, I have gotten someone  madam Zubaidah's husband, that is my target and there is no going back, she concluded and slept off.
my husband is no longer the same person I use to know, I don't know why, Raliya said to her two friends.

Have you checked what is wrong or you just kept quiet watching?
Hadeezah asked curiously.
I have tried to know what is wrong but nothing came clear to me. I don't really know what to do to bring him back because he is not responding to me like before, Raliya said.

My mind is telling me that there is something fishy  somewhere because since we lives together as friends non of us has ever complained to each other about our husbands, why is it happening now that you both brought in househelp? Have you both ever sit and  think of that, Hadeezah disclosed.

Zubaidah and Raliya's eyes locked in deep thought as if they affirmed that there husbands have been taken by the house-help they brought to their houses.

                 Episode 13

"I don't think that old woman can do anything stupid after all what  will she do with my husband? Will she tell him something negative to hurt me? noooooo, she can't anything! I  am not suspecting her either, Raliya said.
Do you think she can do anything stupid Hadeezah? Zubaidah asked.
Instead of backbiting and speaking I'll of each other, the three friends chose to show their concern and care for one another.

Why not? How many times has it happened? women of her age bringing in their daughters as co-wife to the woman they serve? If you have never heared before, din't you read books? or do you think they just write without real life experience? Whatever a writer writes is always a picture of real life situation, Hadeezah said.

If I founfmd out that she has anything to do with this, I will surely make her life miserable,
Raliya with all sense of seriousness.
Who are you to make someones life miserable for what you caused for yourself with your carelessness? Allowing a woman to tidy your bedroom, even a saints has desires not to talk of your husband whose Islam is not that strong, Hadeezah said without mincing words.

Please, let's stop all these discussion and say something different please, Raliya said with pain.
What? dont you know this is marriage we are talking about?your husband and your family. My dear, my advice for you is to go home and bring your husband back before it get far ignoring you. If not, you may lose because his current attitude is not welcoming at all, Hadeezah advised and they changed their topic of discursion.

"Assalamu'alaikum, how are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family?, Sameerah sent the message to Haliru after one week of break.
This lady again! ooooooh ! what will I tell her now? Should I even ignore her ? Haliru said and continued with his work in the office.

Hello! boss are you expecting someone? Haliru's Secretary called.
No, I am not expecting anyone, Haliru answered.
Sir, a lady is here to see you she said.
What is her name? he asked.
Her name is miss Sameerah, she answered.
Let her in, he instructed.
Ok sir, she said.
You can go in, the Secertary said.
Ok, thank you ma, Sameerah responded and walked into Haliru's office.

            Episode 14

Assalamu'alaikum, Sameerah greeted as she walked into Haliru's office. Wa'alaikumussalam,come in,
Haliru answered.
I have seen you today, so, Sameerah what do you want? he asked with serious written over his office. 

Seen you has brought joy in my heart, I love you and I can't control it, I came to come express my feelings for you, for the honourable khadijah knew what she saw in Muhammad (S.A.W) before asking him out, 
Sameerah spoke her heart out.

Do you know what you are doing Sameerah? What if I never loved you? What if I get married to you and maltreat you?, he said.

I know you can't do all that, one who voice their plan out don't always do it. When I get married to you, you will surely take very good care of me for I have done my Istikharah already and am not doubting you, she said.
OK, Sameerah, I will think about it and give you feed back but  don't you think you are taking a bigger risk? he said.
I am taking no risk sir, please, I need your back, she said and stood to leave.
Don't leave Sameerah! go with  this. he gave her five hundred naira not which she rejected without hesitation. 
I am not here for money, neither do I want your money but I love you for the sake of Allah. 
Thank you  for your kindness, she said and walked to the exit door. 

It is a gift from my heart Sameerah, you don't reject gift you know. You did not ask me for it, I did it in my own will. 
Haliru tried to convince her but maintained her stand and made her way out of the office

what is this lady up to? Whose daughter is she? I must find out, he said to himself and reached out for his keys and left out of his office.

Whose daughter is she?, Zubaidah husband Sadiq asked her.
Though he is unaware of the presence of Aisha, Zubaidah's house-help because he always come back home at night after salatul Isha from work while Aisha do leave by 6:00pm after duty. 
Today, he was not at work. He met Aisha cleaning the kitchen when he came back from the mosque by 8:00 am after a long discussion with an old friend.
This marks the beginning of Zubaidah's trouble. She never inform her husband about the idea of house-helpand even when Aisha started working. Since her husband has discovered, what is she going to do? find out in the next episode.

           Episode 15

she is the daughter of our neighbour not too far from here. Since she is through with her secondary school, her mum asked her to be helping me out with domestic chores before she gain admission into the university, Zubaidah lied.

What are you saying Zubee? Which domestic are you talking about? You are educated, a graduate of National Diploma, I aaked you to stay at home and continue with your sewing career you've chosen, I did not stop you from working without a reason. Had it been you have NCE certificate, I would have asked you to be teaching in one of these schools around, I don't know how to help you Zubee but to ask you to continue with sewing at home which will ease your stay at home. What is your duty as a wife? Sadiq said in anger.

I am really sorry Sadeeq, honestly, 
the domestic chores is too much for me and I need someone to assist me assist, Zubaida explained.

I am really disappointed at you Zubee, no wonder all these while, everywhere is looking tidy. I thought you've finally changed from your carelessness to. I don't know there is something fishy somewhere. You allow another woman to take over your house Zubee? It is not a lie, yes it is not a lie, now I believe what I was told about you leaving your duty as a wife and gossiping with other women in your shop, Sadiq exposed.

Subhannaallah! where did you get that wrong information from? Zubaidah asked. Sadiq ignored and made his way to the kitchen. 
Without wasting time, Zubaidah followed. Young lady, who are you and who employed? As if he knew that she was employed.
Zubaidah signaled to her not to say anything. What will she say if not to hit the nail on it head. This is an opportunity she has been wating for, Madam Zubaidah employed me as her househelp. she ignored her madam and made use of the opportunity to hit her. 
How much did she pay you? he asked. 
She pays me fifteen thousand naira every month, Aisha answered then Zubaida's hands fell on her head as she presumed the imminent problem.

Who is your mother and where do you live? he asked
Ummu Aisha is my mum, the woman who sells provisions close to car wash across the road, she answered.
Henceforth, I don't want to see you working here and now leave.
Don't forget to  collect your pay before going, he said and walked out from the house to the  masjid since it is almost time for zuhr.

                 Episode 16

"I am finished, Aisha has killed me, Zubaidah said to her friends Hadeezah and Raliya.
What happened? Raliya asked.
Aisha told my husband that I employed her oooooo. She even told him her pays, Zubaidah said.
You mean you are hiding it from your husband all these while, what kind of woman are you?Hadeezah asked.
Honestly, I have been hiding it from him, but yesterday he didn't go to work. Aisha came in his presence, I had earlier dialed her number the night before yesterday but her was switched off. I really made a mistake, I wish I went to their house to inform her. Now my husband will not believe me anymore because I lied to him that her mother told her to be assisting me for some times, Zubaidah said.

Anyway, don't cry because you caused it yourself, just find a way to apologize and bring him back to yourself and pray for forgiveness as well. 

 I can't hide this from you, zubaidah, It has been long I have it in my mind, you are too lazy and careless that is what resulted to this issue, my friend try and amend your ways to save your marriage, Hadeezah said.

Sadiq came home and met the house unkept. Zubaidah was not at home and the kids playing with other children outside the compound with mud all over their bodies. With rage, he sat on the cushion and gave a long thought over his life. 

ooooooh! I have gotten a wife, Allah has tested me with Zubaidah. What a wife she is! A wife who her duties is neglected, a wife who neglects her husband! I can no longer take all these nonsense anymore but to get another wife. Who would she be? I dont know yet but Allah knows better, Sadiaq said in his heart while Zubaidah walked in.

Where are you coming from Zubee? he asked.
From my  friends place, Zubaidah answered.
I said it! I was told that you don't seat at home but go out gossiping with other women and now  you have demonstrated it. 
I pretend not  going to work today to  know the kind of wife I married.
You, Hadeezah and Raliya are friends. You and Raliya doesn't know to matrimonial home while Hadeezah is the wisest of all. The way her husband praises her is enough for all men"l, he said and walked out of the house.

me anymore because I lied to him that her mother told her to be assisting me for some times, Zubaidah said.

Anyway, don't cry because you caused it yourself, just find a way to apologize and bring him back to yourself and pray for forgiveness as well.

 I can't hide this from you, zubaidah, It has been long I have it in my mind, you are too lazy and careless that is what resulted to this issue, my friend try and amend your ways to save your marriage, Hadeezah said.

Sadiq came home and met the house unkept. Zubaidah was not at home and the kids playing with other children outside the compound with mud all over their bodies. With rage, he sat on the cushion and gave a long thought over his life.

ooooooh! I have gotten a wife, Allah has tested me with Zubaidah. What a wife she is! A wife who her duties is neglected, a wife who neglects her husband! I can no longer take all these nonsense anymore but to get another wife. Who would she be? I dont know yet but Allah knows better, Sadiaq said in his heart while Zubaidah walked in.

Where are you coming from Zubee? he asked.
From my  friends place, Zubaidah answered.
I said it! I was told that you don't seat at home but go out gossiping with other women and now  you have demonstrated it.
I pretend not  going to work today to  know the kind of wife I married.
You, Hadeezah and Raliya are friends. You and Raliya doesn't know to matrimonial home while Hadeezah is the wisest of all. The way her husband praises her is enough for all men"l, he said and walked out of the house.

                  Episode 17

Where is Sadiq going to?Zubaidah asked herself.
Sadiq left his house after 4:00 pm and came back 7:30p.m after Isha.
Assalamu'alaikum greeted and walked to the bedroom. Zubaidah followed him immediately.
Where are you coming from dear husband? Zubaidah asked.
I went to propose to a lady, someone that will give me rest of mind and what is expected of her as a wife. You should expect a cowife very soon, he asked.

What did you say?Zubaidah asked.
You heared me right Zubee.
Afterall, you are not doing your duty as a wife. I have gone to bring a helping mate for you who will make things easy for you since the domestic chores are too much for you, at least she will help, Sadiq concluded and Zubaidah held him on his tie.

Who is that stupid girl or matron
you are bringing in. Wallahi! by Allah, she will surely leave this house or else, there will be no peace but war, Zubaidah threatened.

She is coming with peace but if you welcome her with war, know that you will only harm yourself. You may even lose your marriage and no young guy will marry you except a married man that means you will become the second wife  to another man. It's better Just accepts this with peace what. I never dreamt of having second wife but you pushed me to the wall and I now know the importance, he said and lie down on the bed and cover himself with blankets and slept off while Zubaidah sat crying all through the night.

I have wronged myself indeed.
what have I caused? I have never loved being with co-wife, why this time? she said with tears to Sadiq as he dozed off to a distance journey.

On the other end, Haliru got married to Sameerah. Sameerah turned out to be the daughter of the old woman working Raliya. The old woman had earlier told Raliya that she is working to have money for her daughter's marriage rites while she took her time to perfect her ulterior motive.

You betrayed me Ummi, I took you like my mother, why did you chose to betray the trust?
Find out her responds?

                Episode 18

I am a poor widow with no body to help my condition, my daughter being your co-wife is no harm but a blessing to me and her, Ummi said.

The statements of Ummi hits Raliya like a thunder. 

So, this is what is disturbing you all these while and you kept it from me? Raliya asked her husband as she entered bedroom. 

Do you know you are a careless woman Raliya? he said.
Subhannaallah! you called your wife a careless woman because of these things? Ralia said.

Yes, I do because all these while. you allow Ummi to dress our bedroom and you want to tell me that you are not  careless? Do you know how Sameerah got my number and office address? Don't you know that it is from our bedroom? Haliru asked. 
How do you know dear? Raliya asked.

The very day Sameerah visited me in my office, that day she wanted to bring out her handkerchief, mistakenly, a complimentary card  fell down and behold it is mine. She pretended and picked it up but it was too late because I had already seen it. I never thought Sameerah is Ummi's daughter, after that incident I started thinking how she got it. When I went to see her parents, I saw the condition Ummi and her family were passing through, at first I was Shocked but I pitied them and agreed to marry her. Indeed, Ummi is a smart woman, Haliru said with smile.

Sameerah just sat as all the conversation was going on in the sitting room between the four of them(Raliya,Haliru,Ummi and Sameerah). Sameerah was silents all through the conversation.

Oh! I am finished! you said she is smart enough? Raliya asked.
Yes, she is a poor woman who need the enjoyment of life, she is smarter enough than a rich woman who get the enjoyment of life but refused to grabbed it. When I discovered Sameerah to be the daughter of Ummi I quickly agree to marry her because with what Allah has given me, I want to help the poor family, Haliru said.

Is this how you want to help them dear? Raliya said.
Yes with this way, Haliru said. 
Raliya ran to her room in shame and pain crying with regrets.

       (Episode 19)

Today is the day the new bride of Sadiq is coming in. Though, Raliya did not prepare for this reality, it came unexpectedly. 
Zubaidah on the other hand prepared to impress her husband and her co-wife. 

Two women and three young ladies came in with the bride after all the rites was done. The new bride  covered her face with buka. After celebration, everyone left to their various houses leaving the bride in her new home. 
At this moment, Zubaidah's attention was needed, she was called by her husband Sadiq for a    talk and unite the family.

When Sadiq was done with his talk, Zubaidah asked the bride to uncover her face which was not opened all through their discussion. 

Please, open your face for me to see nah, abi is only your husband that will see your face today, she requested. 
The new bride removed the buka, unveiling her face. lo and behold, it was Zubaidah's house-help. 

 Aisha!!"she screamed.
yYes, she is Aisha, Sadiq  answered.
A isha where is Al-Amin?, she asked her.
aAl-Amin? who is Al-Amin? I don't know who you are talking about. What happened to him? Aisha denied while Zubaidah colapes on the floor.
Zubaida was immediately taken to her room, the next day, she woke up from her slumber took her hijab and walked to her friends place to seek for a possible solution to the problem in her front. 

she went to Hadeezah's house at first and she met Raliya already there crying.

HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE!!Hadeezah teased. I warned you all but you refused, now, what you both are rejecting, have come to reality. I have been saying this, marriage is built upon sacrifice. Learn to sacrifice your time for your family, manage your home well before other woman come in and do that for you. Where have you both end ? Ummi who is an old woman has brought  in her daughter who is a nurse as your co-wife (pointing to Raliya).
Aisha who is  a small girl of only eighteen have become your co-wife(pointing to Zubaidah).
She is a student of College Of Education in this our community and will soon become a teacher.

What have you both gained for playing with your home? How will I Hadeezah of all people bring in a so called woman, old, young, small or big etc in my house calling her my househelp.
somebody we are not related to by blood. HOUSEHELP OR CO-WIFE? she teased again.

Raliya and Zubaidah were silents for almost 30 minutes of their sitting while Hadeezah do the talking alone. 

I wonder why I did not know that  Aisha is the woman he is bringing in, Zubaida managed to talk with tears rolling down her cheek.

sssalamu'alaikum, good afternoon ma'am, Aisha greeted as she walked pass them when coming back from school with her buka. 

hmmmmmmmm, when will I have my own co-wife too so that I will be in the same shoe with my friends"Hadeezah teased them.


The story,  "House-help or Co-wife  is a caricature of the present societal happenings where women hate the word Co-wife with passion and can do anything to prevent it from happening. 

Fatima Omoh Abdullahi 
aka Ummu Taofiq presents the story in a manner that tells the true situation of life. Despite the efforts of many women to stop their husbands from marrying  another wife, in most cases they are the one that will still create the channel through which their husbands will marry another wife that will turn out to be their co-wives. 

Fatima Omoh Abdullahi, is a graduate of Federal College of Education Zuba, Abuja. She loves teaching and impacting knowledge which led her to the teaching profession. She is a teacher at Darul Ulum Filin, Dabo Abuja. 
She hails from Auchi in Etsakor 
West local government area of Edo state. 


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