ISU Weekly Quiz: Francis Sets Record, Retains Champion

History was made yesterday when  Idowu Itopa Francis, set a new record in Ihima, becoming the first person to retain the champion of Ihima Students' Union (ISU) online weekly quiz.

Francis popularly known as Frank, a JAMBITE  became the winner of the union's weekly competition in the last Friday's edition of the programme, retaining the title in the yesterday's edition.
Idowu Itopa Francis 

Speaking shortly after his victory, Frank maintained that it was not easy retaining the champion in the midst of highly intelligent students of Ihima origin from different higher institutions of learning in the country, adding that it was the grace of God that sailed him through.

Whilst commending the executives of the union for initiating the educational programme, the two time champion said "it takes a visionary leader to come up with this kind of initiative" urging the leadership of the union to keep the tempo.

It could be recalled that Odankaru  Mujahid, an  Entrepreneurship and Business Management student of Federal University of technology Minna became the first winner of the competition when it was introduced few months ago, nobody has been able to return the title until Frank set the record yesterday.

The quiz which covered historical events in Ebiraland, is host on the Whatsapp group of the union every Friday where members of the union from different higher institutions of learning in Nigeria have been able to participate.

Explaining the goal of the competition, the national president of the union, Comrade Isah Amoto Bala noted that the recharge card given out to the winners of the competition is just a way of motivating members of the union to participate and reward their zeal to learn the rich history of Ebira, adding that history is an integral aspect of life, and ISU Weekly Online Quiz is a way of making the students of Ihima origin know the rich historical background of Ebira."


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